Items in bold are reviewed. See next section for the reviews.
- Bach Bibliography.
- Bertrand, OTT., Liszt et la Pedagogie du Piano, Collection Psychology et Pedaogie de la Musique, (1978) E. A. P. France.
- Boissier, August., A Diary of Franz Liszt as Teacher 1831-32, translated by Elyse Mach.
- Bree, Malwine, The Leschetizky Method, Dover, Mineola, NY, 1977.
- Bruser, Madeline, The Art of Practicing, Bell Tower, NY, 1997.
- Cannel, Ward, and Marx, Fred, How to play the piano despite years of lessons, What music is, and how to make it at home, Crown & Bridge, NY, 1976.
- Chan, Angela, Comparative Study of the Methodologies of Three Distinguished Piano Teachers of the Nineteenth Century: Beethoven, Czerny and Liszt.
- Eigeldinger, Jean-Jacques, Chopin, pianist and teacher as seen by his pupils, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1986.
- Elson, Margaret, Passionate Practice, Regent Press, Oakland, CA, 2002.
- Fay, Amy, Music Study in Germany.
- Fine, Larry, The Piano Book, Brookside Press, 4th Ed., Nov. 2000.
- Fink, Seymour, Mastering Piano Technique, Amadeus Press, 1992.
- Fischer, J. C., Piano Tuning, Dover, N.Y., 1975.
- Five Lectures on the Acoustics of the Piano
, Royal Institute of Technology Seminar, Anders Askenfelt, Ed., Stockholm, May 27, 1988.
- Fraser, Alan, The Craft of Piano Playing, Scarecrow Press, 2003.
- Gieseking, Walter, and Leimer, Karl, Piano Technique, 2 books in one, Dover, NY, 1972.
- Gilmore, Don A., In Pursuit of the Self-Tuning Piano.
- Howell, W. D., Professional Piano Tuning, New Era Printing Co., Conn. 1966.
- Green, Barry, and Gallwey, Timothy, The Inner Game of Music, Doubleday, 1986.
- Hinson, Maurice, Guide to the Pianist's Repertoire, 3rd Edition, Indiana Univ. Press, 2000.
- Hofman, Josef, Piano Playing, With Piano Questions Answered, Dover, NY, 1909.
- Jaynes, E. T., The Physical Basis of Music.
- Jorgensen, Owen H, Tuning, Michigan St. Univ. Press, 1991.
- Lhevine, Josef, Basic Principles in Piano Playing, Dover, NY, 1972.
- Liszt's Teaching Bibliography: A list containing information on Liszt's teachings; the contents are disappointing. Liszt's father, Adam, did a terrific job of teaching Liszt but, after soaring to fame, Liszt only gave "master classes" to students who were already concert pianists, while complaining about the conservatories that could not teach. The few teachers who knew how to teach were the parents of Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt, etc. That tells us something valuable. The anointed teachers: the great Masters and their students were led astray by the grandeur of "talent", dogma, endless practice, etc., (instead of research, knowledge, documentation, empowerment, etc.) and piano pedagogy ended up in a dead end with no way out.
- Life and Liszt, Arthur Friedheim, Taplinger, NY, 1961.
- The Piano Master Classes of Franz Liszt: 1884-1886, Diary Notes of August Gollerich, Indiana Univ. Press, 1996.
- Living with Liszt: From the Diary of Carl Lachmund, and American Pupil of Liszt 1882-1884, Pendragon Press, Stuyvesant, NY, 1995.
- Memories of a Musical Life, William Mason, Century Co., NY, 1901.
- My Musical Experiences, Bettina Walker, R. Bently & Son, London, 1892.
- There is a diary by Lina Schmalhausen, the other articles already cited (by Amy Fay and August Boissier), and the books by Ronald Taylor and Alan Walker.
- Lloyd, Norman, The Golden Encyclopedia of Music, Golden Press, NY, 1968.
- Mark, Thomas, What Every Pianist Needs To Know About The Body, GIA Publications, Chicago, 2003.
- Mathieu, W. A., Harmonic Experience, Inner Tradition International, Rochester, VT, 1997.
- Moscheles, Life of Beethoven.
- Neely, Blake, How to Play from a Fake Book, Hal Leonard, Milwaukee, WI, 1999.
- Prokop, Richard, Piano Power, a Breakthrough Approach to Improving your Technique, Greenacres Press, NY., 1999.
- Reblitz, Arthur, Piano Servicing, Tuning, and Rebuilding, 2nd Ed., 1993.
- Richman, Howard, Super Sight-Reading Secrets, Sound Feelings Publ., 1986.
- Sabatella, Marc, A Whole Approach to Jazz Improvisation, ADG Productions, Lawndale, CA, 1996.
- Sandor, Gyorgy, On Piano Playing, Schirmer Books, NY, 1995.
- Sethares, William A., Adaptive tunings for musical scales, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 96(1), July, 1994, P. 10.
- Sherman, Russell, Piano Pieces, North Point Press, NY, 1997.
- Suzuki, Shinichi (et al), two books (there are more):
- The Suzuki Concept: An Introduction to a Successful Method for Early Music Education, Diablo Press, Berkeley, CA, 1973.
- HOW TO TEACH SUZUKI PIANO, Summy-Birchard, Miami, FL, 1993.
- Taylor, Ronald, Franz Liszt, the Man and the Musician, Universe Books, NY, 1986.
- Tomita, Yo, J. S. Bach: Inventions and Sinfonia
, 1999.
- Walker, Alan, Franz Liszt, The Virtuoso Years, 1811-1847, Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca, NY, 1983.
- Werner, Kenney, Effortless Mastery, Jamey Aebersold Jazz, New Albany, IN, 1996, with meditation CD.
- White, W. B., Piano Tuning and Allied Arts, Tuners' Supply Co., Boston, Mass, 1948.
- Weinreich, G., The Coupled Motions of Piano Strings, Scientific American, Jan., 1979, P. 118-127.
- Whiteside, Abby, On Piano Playing, 2 books in one, Amadeus Press, Portland, OR, 1997; Indispensables of Piano Playing, and Mastering the Chopin Etudes and Other Essays.
- Young, Robert W., Inharmonicity of Plain Wire Piano Strings, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 24(3), 1952.